Featured News 2015 Can You Sue the City for a Bicycle Accident?

Can You Sue the City for a Bicycle Accident?

Bicyclists are particularly vulnerable and they can easily get hurt if there is a road hazard present. Because of their thin tires and instability, an abrupt change in the road can be treacherous, causing even the most experienced and careful cyclist to lose control and veer directly into a car's path.

Just a few of the road hazards that can cause bicycle accidents include potholes, sewer grates, road construction, inadequate signage and rail or trolley tracks.

When a bicyclist is injured in an accident due to a road hazard, the responsible party can be the city, county, state, or other public agency responsible for maintaining the roadway. In order to prove liability, an injury lawyer will need to identify the exact problem and what the government could have or should have done to prevent it.

  • Potholes: These are often the result of shoddy or temporary repair work. In that case, the entity performing the roadwork is supposed to provide sufficient warning of the hazard by using cones, warning signs, or by blocking off the area. Potholes can be from neglected roads as well.
  • Sewer grates: These can be especially dangerous for cyclists, especially when the bars go in the same direction as traffic. This is because it's easy for tires to become stuck in between them.
  • Rail or trolley tracks: Abandoned or rarely used rail tracks pose hidden dangers to unsuspecting cyclists. They are hazardous when they run along the roadway in the same direction as traffic or when they cross a road at a curve or an angle. Wheels can get caught in the space between the rail and the road, throwing the cyclist into a car or traffic.

Contact a Personal Injury Attorney for Help

Were you injured in a bicycle accident because of a dangerous road condition? If so, contact a personal injury lawyer who can explain your rights and how to go about filing a claim for compensation.

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