Swimming Pool Injuries and Personal Injury Lawsuits
By Kevin Davidson
May. 14, 2014 3:22p
With summer around the corner you can count on thousands of Missouri residents enjoying a relaxing day poolside. As entertaining as a day at the pool can be, it also carries with it the potential for serious injury or death. The CDC reports that 10 people die each day as a result of drowning. Many of these accidents happen in hotel, public and residential pools. If you or someone in your family has been injured in a swimming pool accident, contact a
Missouri personal injury attorney to review your case.
Pool Accidents
There are a variety of reasons why an accident would occur in a pool, and many of them are directly caused by the negligence of its owner. A lack of
supervision by a certified lifeguard can create a life threatening situation for a pool that is catering to children. Incorrect depth markings are also the cause of many accidents as are malfunctioning pool parts poor maintenance. The big one that has a direct affect on a homeowner with a swimming pool is not properly
securing it. A small child can easily enter a yard undetected and drown in a pool if the homeowner does not take proper precaution to prevent this from happening.
Missouri hotels that offer swimming pool access to their patrons are also places where an accident can occur. They have a duty to protect their patrons by ensuring that the pool is clean and well maintained. A young Missouri man was paralyzed from the neck down after an accident in a hotel swimming pool. Diving restrictions were not marked and he unknowingly dove into the shallow end, hitting his end and causing permanent quadriplegia. A jury awarded him $5.2 million at trial to help with the cost of his future medical needs.
Winter Pool Accidents
Winter is also a time when many swimming pool accidents occur, especially with young children. A covered pool is just as dangerous as an uncovered one. Children can drown in less than 5 minutes with as little as two inches of water. Adding to the risk is that there is usually no supervision around a pool when it is not in use.
Your personal injury attorneycan explain to you how swimming pools are considered to be an attractive nuisance. This makes it the responsibility of their owners to ensure that access to it is denied with safety mechanisms when there is no one around to supervise it. Any failure to adhere to these standards will make the owner of the pool liable for an accident or drowning that occurs there. The owner of a pool must be proactive about preventing any type of injury.
Missouri Personal Injury Lawyers
Swimming pool accidents can have tragic results. Their potential dangers mean owners are held to a higher standard of responsibility than other types of premises liability. If you or a family memeber were injured in a pool, contact a personal injury attorney at the Zevan and Davidson Law Firm to help you determine if
negligence was the cause of the accident. With the potential risk so widely known, you deserve to be compensated if a swimming pool owner did not take every possible precaution to prevent your injury.
Call (314) 588-7200 to schedule a
free consultation.
Zevan and Davidson Law Firm
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