Latest News 2012 March Case of Child Abuse and Murder Slips Through the Cracks

Case of Child Abuse and Murder Slips Through the Cracks

State and local authorities are supposed to care for children that are victims of child abuse. However, there are times when children slip through the cracks and wind up as fatalities at the hands of their loved ones. Such is the case of J.M., 15, who was killed by her own mother and aided by her stepfather. Her biological father filed a wrongful death lawsuit against the state of Oregon for failing to recognize child abuse and protect the teenage girl from it. When her body was discovered in 2009, it was horribly mutilated. The coroner's report revealed that the girl had undergone starvation and multiple beatings; her femur was completely exposed when her body was found at the home.

Her mother has since pleaded guilty to the charge of aggravated murder. She was later sentenced to death by a trial jury. Her accomplice, the victim's stepfather, pleaded guilty to the charges against him and received a 25-year sentence. If you want to learn more about filing a wrongful death claim in your state take the time to consult a personal injury attorney.
