Latest News 2012 March Bicyclist Struck by Two Vehicles

Bicyclist Struck by Two Vehicles

Even bicyclists need to obey the rules of the road for their own safety. One young boy was killed last week when he failed to stop at a red light in California. The victim, 17-year-old F.S.P., was riding his bicycle last Wednesday when he rode straight through a red light. Two vehicles going through the intersection hit him; the second vehicle struck his body as it lay on the ground. By the time that police arrived on the scene, he had already passed away. His family is mourning the death of a teenager that they say had a total zest for life.

When someone you love is injured in a car accident, you should consider helping them seek legal counsel as they may have the right to file a lawsuit to seek damages for their injuries. To learn more, take the time to consult a personal injury lawyer in your city of residence and learn what options you have at your disposal.
