Latest News 2012 January Five Year Wrongful Death Case Coming to a Close

Five Year Wrongful Death Case Coming to a Close

Even though the loss of their son and the five-year legal battle that followed has been difficult, the parents of the deceased child have not once given up the will to fight. Now that the case is almost completed, the parents are speaking publicly about it.

The parents filed a wrongful death lawsuit against the school district where their son lost his life. He was a healthy 16-year-old boy who was training with the football team. On one day in July 2006 the boy was at practice as usual when he keeled over and died. His parents and coaching staff were shocked and dismayed by the tragedy.

It has taken five years for the parents and their lawyers to gather enough evidence to file the wrongful death lawsuit. This has given them enough time to see exactly what happened to their son on that day. While the school alleges that an underlying heart condition is to blame, the parents still state that the school should not have been working him so hard.

If you have plans to file a wrongful death lawsuit, now is the right time to discuss your case with a personal injury lawyer in your state of residence.
