One of the most common type of premises liability is a slip and fall accident. This refers to injuries sustained from tripping or slipping while walking down stairs, over a rough area of walkway or on uneven ground. While many times these types of slips are an unremarkable part of the average person's day, they can sometimes result in catastrophic injuries and should be treated with the gravity that they deserve.  

When you are in the wake of a slip and fall accident, you will need a skilled attorney to help you successfully combat insurance companies in pursuit of maximum monetary compensation to help you cover all physical and non-physical damages. While working to build your defense, you will need to prove that the owner or employee on the property where you suffered your damage either:

  • Caused the dangerous conditions that resulted in your slip and fall accident.
  • Knew about the dangerous conditions that caused your slip and fall accident, but did nothing to correct them.
  • Should have known about the dangerous surface that caused your slip and fall accident, as any "reasonable person" would have.

It will also need to be proven that your accident was not the result of your own careless behavior. The legalities that can stem from attempting to prove such gray, vague areas of the law can often be complex and need the skilled hand of a slip and fall accident attorney practiced in these type of cases. By looking carefully through your case and evaluating all of the evidence, your lawyer can help you in your efforts toward your desired outcome.

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