Latest News 2012 April Coast Guard Called to Search for Two Boaters

Coast Guard Called to Search for Two Boaters

A concerned wife's phone call to the Coast Guard prompted a search for two boaters. Several hours later, both men were discovered but only one was still alive. The authorities are now investigating the boat accident that took place off the Port Aransas jetties. Several rescue attempts were coordinated to find the two men who had spent the day fishing. At least four rescue boats and a Coast Guard helicopter were employed in the search. Several hours later, an oil rig in Matagorda Bay contacted the Coast Guard with a promising report. One of the men had swum to the oil rig and was able to get onboard. Around 9 a.m. the next day, the second man was located by an unrelated party.

The cause of the boat accident is still under investigation. At this time, there is no additional news from the surviving victim or the Coast Guard. Were you seriously injured while on a boat? If so, take the time to discuss your accident and injuries with an aggressive personal injury lawyer that can help you fight for compensation from any negligent parties involved.
