Information about Doctor's Visits after an Accident

Even if you do not feel pain, see a doctor immediately after an accident. Certain types of soft tissue injuries, such as whip lash and sprained muscles, do not present symptoms immediately after the injury. It may take a day or two for you to realize something is wrong, and by then you will be in more pain, will likely miss more work, and will have a more difficult time definitely proving that the injury is a result of the accident.

Refusing medical treatment will decrease the legitimacy of your injury and insurance claim. You may think that you do not need medical help, or that you can bare with the pain, but if you have been involved in an accident, you should allow the onsite treatments and follow up with a doctor as soon as possible. You may not have been thinking about filing a personal injury claim when you were first hurt, but if you do not see a doctor, the insurance company may use this as a sign that you did not sustain an injury. The accident may have been caused by gross negligence or recklessness of which you were unaware at the time, and this may influence your decision to file a personal injury claim.

Do not miss any of your follow up appointments. In addition to follow up appointments and rehabilitation treatments being incredibly important for your health, they are also used to document your recovery and the lasting impact of the injury. 

Report ALL symptoms to your doctor. Even if you think that they are unrelated, or if they existed before the accident, it is always important to tell your doctor about any pain, abnormalities, or concerns that you have. The body is incredibly complex, and your accident may have caused injuries that you didn't notice right away, or it could have exacerbated a previous condition. Again, this is as important for your health as it is for your insurance claim.

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